Friday, May 25, 2012

Purposeful Planting

I am, admittedly, not much of a gardener. I do best with things that grow on their own, like weeds and perennials. However, one of my favorite sayings is "Do not confuse enthusiasm with talent", which I usually use to refer to my singing abilities. It applies to gardening as well.

Each spring, I survey the remnants of last year's garden, deciding what I should plant for the upcoming season. Last year, I planted peas, beans, lettuce, and peppers. Although I didn't plant it, I also had a bountiful crop of skunk leaves, those giant leaves that look sort of like rhubarb but aren't. My method for choosing what I will grow involves considering what my kids might eat, what is easiest, and what will fit together in the space allotted for it. If I was a real farmer, I would probably analyze the soil, deciding the acidity of it and whether it has lots of clay or whatever in it. (I almost had you thinking I knew what I was talking about, didn't I? Not a clue...)

Ready for a mental leap?

I'm looking at the garden of my life right now. All kinds of things are growing in it...varioius commitments and involvements, dreams and desires, hobbies and pastimes, and people and relationships. Lots going on in my little garden of life. The issue is that most of it just took up residence because there was open space. When the time comes to "plant" something purposefully and intentionally, there isn't a lot of room.

The answer? Weeding. Serious, prayerful weeding. Sometimes the easiest things to grow aren't producing the harvest you are looking for. Let me encourage you to take a good look at your garden...are the things that take up space providing a bountiful harvest? Is it something you even want to be growing?

Will you join me in seeking God this summer and ask Him what you should be cultivating in your life? Each of us only has so much garden space to work with, and only God knows how long our growing season will last. I don't want to grow the easy stuff, the good stuff even, because I can, and miss out on growing the best that God has in mind for me because I didn't make room for it.

"Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you.
Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you."
Psalm 143:8


  1. Ouch! This stepped on my toes big time!! This time of year is super busy and we def have some "weeding" to do in our lives. My famous last words are I don't have time....... I make time for what's important to me, right? Did you get that? for me!!! Not for HIM! So many times I miss out on the opportunities He places before me because I am to wrapped up in little ol' me. I need to be intentional about what I give time to, and ask myself why is it that I think giving my time up for "it" is worth? When you said you didn't want to grow the easy stuff, I sort of cringed, cause sometimes I can just do easy and mark it off my list..... as I teach my children... do what's right, even if its hard!!

    1. Hey Piper!
      You are not alone. I am finding my time filled with things I feel like I'm supposed to do, and then when things come up that are important to me, I don't have any time to devote to those things. Sometimes I try to do what will make people happy, but that is not alwaysvthe same things that will make God happy.

  2. I am a little behind on my blog reading but love this post. My family has purposefully paid close attention to our schedule and "weeded" out the things we should do because of the season (i.e. plant a garden) because we don't have the time for it. This has brought such peace to me this year and made me "see" more so the things important to me. I am seeking God's wisdom and direction about how to prioritize these things so they don't get weeded out if they are His will for me and my family. Thank you!
