Friday, February 19, 2010

"Why Do You Blog?"

Yesterday a friend asked me this question. We were talking about a situation that had come up, and I said I should blog about that. She asked why I blog, which was actually a really good question.

The really short answer is to encourage others. To encourage you. To live out loud for God. To show that He is big enough to handle it all. To show that life is definitely better with Him, even if we don't always agree. To be His witness.

Acts 1:8 says that we will have power when the Holy Spirit comes on us, and we will be His witnesses in all the world. The internet has definitely made it possible for me to be His witness in places I will probably never visit.

I feel like God has gifted me with the ability to see Him in a variety of situations, from the trying times in life, like disobedient kids, to the really exciting, like redoing my kitchen. (OK, I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks that is really exciting...) I can generally find something to laugh about in any situation, much to the irritation of my husband.

To be honest, sometimes I blog because I think I have something funny to say. I am the funniest person I know, even though sometimes I am the only one laughing. Sometimes I just like to hear the sound of my own voice. But there are times that I sit down at the keyboard knowing that God has a message for someone, and He wants to use this forum to say it. There are blogs that have never passed consciously through my brain, but through my heart instead, straight from the whisper of the Spirit to you.

I know that your time is valuable, and if you are reading my blog I hope it lifts you up. I thank God for the desire and the ability to write, and hope that even in the messiest of situations that I may find myself in, that I have glorified Him.

So, that is the long short answer of why I encourage, to share life-the good, the bad, and the ugly, and to be a witness for God, who is so good to me in spite of myself that I can't help but want to tell about Him.