Sunday, October 3, 2010

Laundry Soap and Jesus

After hearing all my friends raving about their homemade laundry soap, I decided to give it a try. A little Fels soap, a little borax, a little super washing soda, lots and lots of water, and voila', we have laundry soap. A whole lot of laundry soap, as a matter of fact. I've been sharing it with anyone who wants some. One friend asked if I had trouble finding the ingredients, and I said, "No, they are all right there in the grocery store. You just have to be looking for them to see them."


Right in the back of my head.

"His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness." 2 Peter 1:3

"You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all of your heart." Jeremiah 29:13

"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life." John 14:6

God's Word, the Bible, truly has the answer to every situation you might find yourself in. We like to argue that times have changed in 3,000 years, but really, not so much. People don't change. The details may change, but situations generally remain the same. Jealousy, greed, anger, mixed up love, bitterness...alive and well today just like when they were addressed in Galatians.

Proverbs is a treasure trove of advice for real living, for real people. People who don't always say the right thing at the right time. I heard a great definition of nagging from Patsy Clairmont at the Women of Faith Conference. She said nagging begins with a brilliant idea of how to fix something. A brilliant idea that no one is listening to, so you keep repeating it. Over and over. Proverbs has lots to say about nagging and getting along with others.

Not that I know anything about that personally...

Just sayin'.

Philippians is one of my favorite destinations. Kind of puts my whole life in perspective and reminds me what is important. Here's a clue: it usually isn't what I think. Whenever I am in a complaining mood, I have a friend who always says "Go read Philippians." Yes ma'am.

When life hurts, I go to the Psalms. When I'm royally ticked off, I go to Psalms. When I am so full of joy I can't put it into words, I go to Psalms. When I have totally screwed up and don't know where to go, I go to Psalms. David lived a wild life, but through it all, he praised God; he is the author of most of the Psalms and has put my emotions to words many times.

It excites me to no end to share God's Word with you. More exciting than sharing laundry soap. They even have an ingredient in common: water. Lots and lots of Living Water. It will get the stains out of everything. Trust me.

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